Valguloc II® Toe Brace Product Image

Valguloc II® Toe Brace


ValguLoc II relieves the metatarsophalangeal joint and can help achieve a pain-free movement of the big toe if used in the early stages of hallux valgus (bunion). A long-term progression of the misalignment can be prevented. A multi-dimensional joint holds the toe at a predetermined angle at which extension and flexion are prevented or can be permitted gradually. Flexion and extensi-on can be adjusted gradually, depending on treatment requirements, using the multi-dimensional joint. The toe can therefore first be splinted and rested in the post-operative period, and then gradually allowed greater freedom of movement, without this leading to another misalignment. The flat construction of the stabilizing orthosis relieves the metatarsophalangeal joint.

Item #
Toe Brace, Universal Size
$ 78.74
$ 78.74