MATRIX Electroanalgesic Delivery System

NeuroMed Inc.

NeuroMed sought the input of experienced medical practitioners and combined their ideas with advanced technology, resulting in a carefully planned and state-of-the-art medical pain management system designed for physicians. This advanced pain management system is user-friendly and is programmed to deliver the precise dosage to treat your pain patients with the push of a button. Dynamic medical specialties, like Clinical Pain Management, have seen a significant change in their therapeutic approach over the past decade.

  • Provide Excellent pain management care to patients
  • Physicians may successfully treat a multitude of conditions
  • Simple 20-25 min treatment in office
  • Easily performed by your staff
  • The most advanced, state-of-the- art pain management system
  • Users may select from 40 of the most advanced technology programs which use specific pre-programmed software algorithms to bioelectrically trigger 3 different physiological mechanisms of actions

While pain medications can temporarily relieve pain, they may also produce undesirable side effects or even result in dependence.

That’s why we offer alternative therapies for opioid-free acute and sub-acute pain management.

One of the most effective non-surgical, drug-free treatments he offers is Electroanalgesia (EA). This revolutionary pain management system by NeuroMed delivers precise dosages of electrical stimulation to peripheral nerves (the nerves that connect the brain and spinal cord to limbs and organs).

If you have ever had physical therapy, you may be familiar with TENS (Transcutaneous Electric Nerve Stimulation), an external device that reduces pain by applying low voltage electricity through electrodes placed over the skin. Similar in concept to TENS, electroanalgesic treatments also use electrical frequencies to decrease pain, although at rates much higher than those delivered by TENS. For example, TENS units deliver 1 to 250 pulses per second, while Electroanaglesia (EA) delivers 8,300 to 10,000 pulses per second.

Frequency ranges from .01-250 pulses per second (pps) have the ability to affect nerves by stimulating or facilitating.

  • Frequency ranges from .01-250 pulses per second (pps) have the ability to affect nerves by stimulating or facilitating.
  • Electroanaglesia (EA) uses a High Definition Frequency Generator (HDfg), to produce high frequencies from 5,000 pps, 8,300 pps, and up to 10,000 pps and it works to inhibit or interrupts 

Due to lowered skin resistance, this electrical energy is delivered deeper into the patient’s tissue. Rather than stimulate the nerves, higher frequencies reduce the ability of the affected nerves to transmit pain signals and, at the same time, promote healing. It’s like a block with electricity instead of an injection (such as an epidural). With the correct dosage and electrodes, Electroanaglesia (EA) can safely and effectively decrease pain intensity, providing patients with an improved quality of life.

The high level of patient satisfaction typically equates to an excellent rate of patient compliance, additional patient referrals and income for your practice that are reimbursed by Medicare, Medicaid, Private Insurance Companies, and Workers Compensation

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